Misty Lane Farms Performance Horses
Horse and Carriage Rental, Horse Drawn Funeral Carriages, Wedding Carriages, Baraats and Cinderella Carriage

Misty Lane Farms Performance Horses
About Us
724-421-9212 or 724-421-6013

Meet the stars of the show!!

Fred and Nellie
Megan & Ezra

Dan and Alvin

Sam and Star
Large White Welsh Ponies

Richard and Tommy
Charcoal Grey

In Loving Memory of Dick
My bestfriend and the founding father of the business. I know his love, goofy attitude and presence is with me always. However he can never be replaced and is missed more than words can explain.

What our visitors are saying
What our visitors are saying
We have taken two Horse and Carriage Rides with Misty Lane Farms Performance Horses since December 2020! Our most recent one was this past Saturday at Serventi's On The Runway at the Butler Airport. The grandkids are in awe of the splendor of the carriage! It is very elegant and comfortable! And the horses - Gasp! Sigh! Swoon! Those beautiful, magnificent, kind and loving horses! Both times our drivers have been extremely kind, professional and courteous! Their attire just sets the mood for the ride. You can't help but feel swept away into another era as you clip clop down the road in the carriage! Passing motorists wave and well... you kind of feel like royalty sitting up there in the carriage! :) The rides are VERY affordable and very fun. I highly recommend Misty Lane Farms Performance Horses! I know that we will be repeat customers!
- Pam P